Smart Design Studio - Sydney Architects


Optique Potts Point wins Retail at Interior Design Excellence Awards

Smart Design Studio was the winner of the National Retail Award, for Optique Potts Point, at the Interior Design Excellence Awards held at the Gallery of Victoria on Friday November 15. Congratulations to the design and construction team and a special thanks to our wonderful clients, Sue and Phil. More on Optique Potts Point here.

Central Park Winner Announced

Both The Sydney Morning Herald and The Australian Financial Review published images from our Design Excellence Competition winning submission for Central Park Block 8 Chippendale. The competition was held for the Frasers Property and Sekisui House development and we have commenced work on the project. We will have more news on this project closer to March 2014 when the marketing launch is scheduled.

New Work, New Website

After 16 years of business, the time felt right to revamp the SMART DESIGN STUDIO website, bringing you up-to-date with the latest developments in our portfolio of residential, multi-use and commercial properties as well as several important master plans. Where we once remained silent, giving only beautiful pictures to whet your appetite, today we feel the need to speak out and tell you in more detail about some of the wonderful projects we have had the pleasure to work on. And on those to come.

We’re keen on dialogue, so take a look at our website and feel free to let us know what you think.

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