Smart Design Studio - Sydney Architects


indigo slam taking shape

Behind a facade of sculpted concrete, serene living spaces and monumental halls, animated by the play of light, create an inspiring house for an art collector. This city park-front house is a piece of sculpture to be lived in, where spaces have been created by a dynamic folding of form. This language of a folded and sliced surface appears to compress and release spaces, and manipulate light entering the rooms and courtyard of this building. It is beautifully expressed with modest materials such as brick floors, waxed unpainted walls and steel windows. More on Indigo SlamĀ here.

The Heritage completed

The Heritage is a building where the architecture and interiors have been designed together, seamlessly as one. It’s where two different scales and styles, separated by 100 years of construction, are brought together to form a transition between North Sydney CBD and the surrounding suburban areas, enjoying the benefits of both. More on The Heritage here.

William Smart Talks About his Work Interview by Neale Whitaker

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